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You are a blessing!


There is so much more to giving than the donation itself...

and you are part of it!

It makes a huge difference in our community by donating any amount!


Your contribution will provide funding for missions and community programs, to help our entire community to support each other,

and to reach goals and grow. Helping our neighbors,

so they can help themselves and others in return. 


It is a spiritual connection.


We are grateful for what you choose to share!


Contributions can be mailed to:

Church of Christ Congregational, P.O. Box 216, Goshen, CT 06756


When using the donation button below, please choose an option

for where you would like your donation to go towards.


 Thank you so much!

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Church of Christ Congregational

5 Old Middle Street, P.O. Box 216, Goshen, CT 06756

860.491.2793  ~



  • Office closed on Monday & Friday (Sat. & Sun.)

Pastor's Office Hours - by appointment only during these ever changing times of pandemic. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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